Eric Miller
Live a Happier life with Letting Go10/2/2019 HOW TO LET GO OF THE PASTLeverage the past to have a better tomorrow
3 Suggestions to Get You Started in Letting Go of the Past
1. CHOOSE TO LET IT GO Don’t let yourself become - or remain a victim. Having the victim mentality can feel good at first, and even make you feel like you are on the winning team of you - against the world. But, having this self -defeating mindset only creates misery. Let go of the pain and suffering of the past and open yourself to new opportunities of happiness. Not to oversimplify your pain but, making a conscious decision to let the past go, will be a huge step in the right direction. Stop the pain cycle about past hurts and disappointments and you will become a much a happier person. Make the decision not to drag around the pain in your life any longer. It is simply not worth carrying it around for the rest of your life. Letting go is a very proactive approach in healing yourself and relationships. 2. LIVE IN THE PRESENT Living in the past can bring about depression, anger and resentments. You can’t change the past. As hard as you want to dwell on it, the past is now history. Leave that pain where it belongs, in the past. On the other end of the spectrum, living in the future can result in having unnecessary anxiety. A happy and fulfilling life is when you can live in the present. Living in the now and let go of the past will enable you to be true to yourself. You aren’t missing out on opportunities because of concentrating on the past miseries or future uncertainties. When you live in the now you are accepting the joy and possibilities of the present. 3. LETTING GO OF THE PAST BY FORGIVING Forgiveness gets a bad rap in the pop culture of today. The media portrays the hero getting retribution for the past deeds of the villain. They would have us believe that by holding onto the past and punishing the villain, the hero will live happily ever after. This is simply not the case. Having an unforgiving heart is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die. Forgiveness is never about the other person. Forgiveness is about you letting go of the past and not carrying the pain around with you any longer. You are choosing to move forward with your life and not letting events or person(s) change the narrative of who you are as a person. Comments are closed.